We are excited to ride some of the most beautiful roads in the northeast United States this year – join us to ride in the beauty Maine is famous for! It’s the 75th Anniversary of the founding of WIMA, and we are so proud to also welcome riders from many WIMA international chapters. We will also have a reunion of riders from the landmark 2019 WRWR (Women Riders World Relay).
This rally will be a fantastic opportunity to spend time connecting with rider sisters from the US and around the globe – join us in September at our rustic campground retreat! (S’more’s included!)

You do not need to be a member to attend. Specific rally details & the registration form are at the link above (password protected). If you are not a member, or you are a member and do not know the password, please contact us for assistance.
Sponsors & Partners
We greatly appreciate our sponsors and partners. Please visit their websites and know that they support women in motorcycling!